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The Top 10 Other Retractions Printed by the NY Times in 1998

10 ''Earlier this year, the Times mistakenly reported that software magnate Bill Gates is a money-hungry, maladapted, socially awkward loser. He is, in fact, a bloodsucking cob-nobbler. The Times regrets the error.''

9 ''We wish to apologize for calling the former Australian Prime minister, Paul Keating, the lowest slime-ball in the country. We meant in THEIR country.''

8 ''Due to a typographical error yesterday, we mistakenly printed the entire Wall Street Journal under our banner. It should have been the Washington Post. Sorry.''

7 ''Okay, so it was a blue dress, not a red skirt. Get off our backs already!''

6 ''Recently, pop singer George Michael was caught masturbating in a public restroom. He was not, as reported in this newspaper, actually choking a chicken.''

5 ''It has come to the attention of the Times that disk jockey Fred LeFebvre of KISS-FM in Toledo was not actually the recipient of a MacArthur 'Genius Grant.'''

4 ''Evidently, there are no Klingons on Uranus after all. Sorry for the confusion.''

3 ''Our article describing O.J. Simpson as 'slashing out' over the prospect of losing his children contained a regrettable typo...''

2 ''As it turns out, the Banana Republic dictatorship is actually just a clothing store.''

1 ''Miss Lewinsky did not give the President a snow job, as reported in some editions yesterday.''

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.