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This World We Live In

"What sign should we put up?" (PG)
$0.00 due (G)
12 Reasons Same-Sex Marriage will Ruin Society (PG)
1998 Best Newspaper Headlines (PG)
1998 Darwin Awards (G)
1998 Predictions for 1999 (G)
1999 Darwin Awards II (PG)
2013 Darwin Awards (G)
7 actual titles of actual books (G)
9-1-1 calls (G)
A belated column on the 1999-2000 Oscars (G)
A DMV truth (G)
A few musings and bemusings (PG)
A few random thoughts on health (G)
A Friends Oath (G)
A Meal at the Ritz (PG)
A Moron is a Moron (G)
A new twist to the three pigs (PG)
A Prank backfires (PG)
A Scant 100 years ago... (G)

Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Historical Figures in Modern Clothes
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