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Justin Bieber Jokes (PG)
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PG rated jokes

Q: What does Justin Bieber and the crowd at Time Square for new years have in common?
A: They’re both waiting for balls to drop!

I called Justin Bieber gay, and he slapped me with his purse.

Justin Bieber is the Brand Ambassador of sanitary pads.

What’s the difference between a water bottle and puberty? A water bottle has already hit Justin Bieber.

Justin Bieber thought he had 8 pubes and then the spider moved away.

I used to have a voice just like Justin Beiber, then I turned four.

About 17 years ago, a woman was impregnated by a tank of helium, 9 months later Justin Bieber was born

Justin Biebers best song is “if i were a boy”.

Q. What’s the difference between Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga ?
A. One of them has balls and it ain’t Bieber.

Justin Bieber crossed the road to beat a chicken but came back crying because the chicken won

Justin Bieber witnessed kim kardashian’s nip slip but it shouldn’t really affect him coz not long ago he was being breastfed.

Stop making fun of Justin Beiber. He’s not gay she’s lesbian.

Justin Bieber’s mother often tells his friends stories of when he was little. The stories are from a few months ago.

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