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A belated column on the 1999-2000 Oscars (G)
A few dirty Beyonce jokes (R)
A slow day (PG)
Al Sharpton Blasts Tiger Woods for Lack of Mistress Diversity (G)
Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California Recall Quotes (PG)
Attack of the Clones Trailer Review (really) (G)
Barbie Turns 50 (G)
Beethoven vs. Beiber -- The Sheet Music (G)
Brian Williams Remembers Building the Pyramids (G)
Britney Logic (G)
Can I touch your Elvish Butt? (PG)
Celebrity Obituaries (G)
Church of Elvis (G)
Clinton in Oz (PG)
Clinton/Titanic (variation) (PG)
Common Phrases in Movies You'll Never Hear in Real Life (G)
Connecting with Celebrities (G)
Dead People (PG)
Doctor Evil's other Clone (G)
Fall lineup for 2000 (PG)

Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Why I dropped out of Social Media
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