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This World We Live In

I was up at a tourist site here in Oregon --the Vista House-- the other day, just enjoying the view of our beautiful Columbia River Gorge.

I was just watching the trains go by when a maintenance truck pulled up and parked right next to me. The guy got out and started "checking me out" really closely. He was looking at the back of my car. Suddenly, I saw a big smile on his face and he waved at me. I thought this guy was a REAL wacko or something.

As I drove off, I realized that I had my business supplies in the back of my Outback Wagon, and I had some spray bottles stashed inside of an ammunition crate. I had bought this ammunition crate years ago at an army/navy surplus store... it fits perfect in the back of my Outback.

Oops, false alarm.

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.