Drunks and Bars
10 pints of Guinness in one sittingG
20 Ways to say someone is drunkPG
5 spot in a barG
A bad eggPG
A Classy BarG
A friendly beerPG
A Giraffe in a barG
A good smokeG
A grasshopper walks into a barG
A guy walks into a bar and sits downR
A journey of drinksG
A pile of vomit walks into a bar...PG
A priest, a rabbi, and BuddhaG
Alcohol WarningsPG
American BeerPG
An alien walks into a bar...PG
An Irishman's Last RequestG
Armless ManPG
As good as this bar is!R

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at michael.bissell.conquent.com/blog -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Media is Plural (and the blame game isn't about the news)