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Stupid Jokes

Burial, embalming or cremation? (G)
Bus Accident (G)
Can I Take His Place? (PG)
Cannibal heartburn (G)
Carpentry errors. . . (PG)
Chicken at the movies (G)
Chocolate Sundae Options (PG)
Come on baby make it hurt so good (R)
Cruel vandalism (G)
Custer joke (PG)
D.N.A. (G)
Damn smokers (PG)
Dark cloud (PG)
Diner Story (G)
Doctor's office (PG)
Dr. Livingstone, NOT (PG)
Ducks of Orgin (PG)
Dumb Star Wars Jokes (G)
Ear this (PG)
Elephant Joke (R)

Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Being Watched by TV
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