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One day in Contract Law class, a Professor asked one of his better students, ''Now, if you were to give someone an orange, how would you go about it?''

The student replied, ''Here's an orange.''

The professor was livid. ''No! No! Think like a lawyer!'' the Professor instructed.

The student then recited, ''Okay, I'd tell him, 'I hereby give and convey to you all and singular, my estate and interests, rights, claim, title, claim and advantages of and in, said orange, together with all its rind, juice, pulp and seeds, and all rights and advantages with full power to bite, cut, freeze and otherwise eat, the same, or give the same away with and without the pulp, juice, rind and seeds, anything herein before or hereinafter or in any deed, or deeds, instruments of whatever nature or kind whatsoever to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding...''

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