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A man had an accident, so he was rushed to the hospital The doctor had to perform an instant operation, due to his injuries. The man was wounded on the face and a deep scar was formed on his skin, but under his bushy beard. The doctor shaved off a part of the man's beard and then performed the surgery. Afterwards, the doctor performed more surgery to replace the missing part of the beard, so he would look good as new. The doctor cut off some of the man's pubic hair and planted it surgically on the man's face where the beard was missing.

The patient awakened and then after 2-3 days, he was discharged and he went back home. After six months, the patient came to the hospital to talk to the doctor who performed his operation. The patient said, ''Doc, everything is okay, but a peculiar thing has happened to me many times.'' The doctor asks, ''What is happening?'' The patient replies, ''Whenever I scratch my beard, my penis gets erect!''

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.