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Eleven Important Men In A Woman's Life

Her Doctor, he says: "Take your clothes off."
Her Dentist, he says: "Open wide."
Her Veterinarian, he says: "And how is your little pussy doing today?"
Her Gardener, he says: "Do you want me to mulch your bush?"
Her Hairdresser, he says: "Do you want it teased or blown?"
Her Remodeler, he says: "It fits tongue-in-groove with a little hammering."
Her Milkman, he says: "Do you want it in front or in back?"
Her Banker, he says: "If you take it out: you'll lose interest."
Her TV repairman, he says: "Let me play with your knobs first."
Her Butcher, he says: "I have a hard salami for you!"
Her Interior Decorator, he says: "You'll like it once it's in."

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.