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Millions Return their iPad 2s (G)
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CUPERTINO (The AP) – A clever work-around discovered by a tech-savvy tablet user has enabled millions of consumers to avoid buying Apple's heavily touted iPad 2: at the end of emails, they merely type, "Sent from my iPad 2."

Tracy Klugian, a self-described "gizmo fanatic" from Akron, Ohio came up with the ingenious solution after deciding that the iPad 2's price tag was too rich for his blood.

"I'm glad that this work-around will give non-iPad 2 owners the same thrill that people who spent $499 on it have been experiencing," he said. "It's definitely a much cheaper way to go."

Across the country, millions of iPad 2 owners who learned about Mr. Klugian's inventive fix jammed Apple stores to return their devices, many of them purchased just days earlier.

"The only reason I bought an iPad 2 was to let people know that I owned an iPad 2," said Donnelly Rixon, 24, a self-described "asshole" from Sacramento. "This wrecks everything."

An official statement from Apple indicated that the company would not accept returns of the costly devices, but assured consumers that the $499 price tag was well worth it: "The iPad 2 is the most amazing device in the history of the tablet, until the iPad 3, which will be released tomorrow."

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