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Squeezing into the Telephone Box (G)
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Middle East
Riddles/One liners

Q: How do you get 30 Israelis into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's air-tight

Q: How do you get 30 Americans into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's got oil in it

Q: How do you get 30 French into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's not in Iraq

Q: How do you get 30 Europeans into a telephone box?
A: Tell them there's no fighting involved

Q: How do you get 30 British politicians in a telephone box?
A: Tell them there are votes in it

Q: How do you get 30 Brits into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's safer than a Tornado

Q: How do you get 30 British MI5 men into a telephone box?
A: Tell them an Iraqi lives there

Q: How do you get 30 British-resident Iraqis into a telephone box?
A: Tell the MI5 men it's Penton-ville Prison

Q: How do you get 30 Russians into a telephone box?
A: Tell them there's a slice of bread in it

Q: How do you get 30 peace protesters into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's the American Embassy

Q: How do you get 30 Turks into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's not an airbase, honest

Q: How do you get 30 Kuwaitis into a telephone box?
A: Tell them there's an Iraqi coming

Q: How do you get 30 Iranians into a telephone box?
A: Tell them to do it in the sacred name of Allah

Q: How do you get 30 American Generals into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's a target of the Allied bombers

Q: How do you get 30 reporters into a telephone box?
A: Tell them it's in Baghdad

Q: How do you get 30 Palestinians into a telephone box?
A: Tell them if they do, you'll liberate the Occupied Territories

Q: How do you get 30 telephone company engineers into a telephone box?
A: You must be joking! You can't even get ONE in a telephone box...

Q: How do you get 30 students into a telephone box?
A: Make the other 70 homeless

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.