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Memo in Bin Laden's Cave (G)
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Middle East

Dear Friends,

We are going to live in this cave for quite a while, so we need a few "good neighbor" rules

- Everyone try and keep the cave clean. Do not leave crumbs on the floor.

- It is very rare that I give television interviews, and when I do so, I am trying to scare the most powerful country in the world. So please do not wave at the camera behind my back.

- We all also need to try and keep our beards clean, especially after we eat.

- Last, there has been word that American soldiers are trying to infiltrate our ranks in disguise. To combat this, starting tonight, we will have 24-7 patrol around the cave. The first patrol will be made up of Ahmed, Omar, Muhammad, and Richard.



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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.