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G rated jokes

Lawyer's daughter Sue
Lawyer's sons Will, Court
Thief's son Rob
Doctor's son Bill
Fisherman's son Rod
Meteorologist's daughters Haley, Sunny
Back Hoe operator's sons Doug, Rocky
Hair stylist's sons Bob, Curly, Harry
Homeopathic doctor's son Herb
Justice of the peace's daughter Mary
Sound stage technician's son Mike
Hot-dog vendor's son Frank
Gambler's daughter Bette
Gambler's Son Chip
Exercise guru's son Jim
Exercise guru's daughter Belle
Cattle thief's son Russell
Painter's son Art
Iron worker's son Rusty
TV show star's daughter Emmy
Movie star's son Oscar
Housewife's son Dusty
Minister's daughters Faith, Hope, Charity
Televangelist's daughter Chastity
IRS agent's daughter Mony
Geneticist's son Gene
Espresso vendor's son Joe
Undertaker's son Barry
Gardener's son Moe
Florist's daughters Rose, Iris
Baker's daughter Cookie
Manicurist's son Hans
Athlete's son Victor
Lumberjack's son Glenn
Plumber's son John
Accountant's daughter Ira
Musician's daughters Melody, Harmony
Jeweler's daughters Opal, Jade
Gastrointerologist's daughter Fanny
Politician's daughter Patsy
Legislator's son Bill

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.