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The rich man in a lame joke (PG)
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A rich man was bored one day so he decided to take a stroll in the woods behind his house. He was walking along when he stumbled apon a little cottage with very fogged up windows.

This rich man had lived his entire life alone and being the curious one, he decided to rub the windows with his hand and see what was inside. What he found was a beautiful lady that had just come out of the shower in the corner of this one room cottage.

Knock, Knock, Knock. "Who is it?" the beautiful woman asked.

"It is I. A rich man." the man answered.

Figuring that only good can come out of the presence of a rich man for her, she opened the door.

"Oh beautiful woman, I'm lonley and curious. I have never seen another woman other than my mom. For a small fee, can you amuse me?"

"Sure." she replied. She could definatly use the money.

"I will pay you 1 million bucks if you will open the top of your robe." So she did. "Oh, Oh, Oh!!! What are those?"

"These are my bells. All women have them."

"I will pay you 2 million bucks if you will open the middle of your robe." So she did. "Oh, Oh, Oh!!! What is that?"

"This is my button. Everyone has this."

"Ah, yes. I believe I do. Well, then. I will pay you 3 million bucks if you will open the rest of your robe." So she did. "Oh, Oh, Oh!!! What is that?"

"First the 3 million dollars." the woman asked so she could be sure. The man took out his check book, quickly wrote a check and slapped it on the table next to the door. "Ok. This is my slot. All women have this."

And how do you think this man got all this money? Gambling of course!!! So the man asked the woman, "So you mean to tell me, if I put a quarter through the slot and press the button, the bells will ring?"

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.