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Two kids in the tub (R)
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Mummy and Daddy are in the bath with their children, a little boy and a little girl (perverted family I know!!) when the little girl points to her mother's lower regions and says 'Mummy, what is that down there?', to which her mother replies 'That is my multi-story car park, you have a garage'. Satisfied the little girl continues playing with her ducks.

A little while later the little boy looks at his father and says 'Daddy, what is that bobbing about in the water?' to which his father replies 'That is my Rolls Royce, you have a Mini'. Satisfied the little boy carries on splashing his sister. The adults get out and go down stairs.

Five minutes later they here this terrible screaming coming from the bath room. When they get there, the little boy is screaming his head off and there is blood everywhere.

The mum looks at her daughter and asks what happened to which the little girl calmly replies, 'he tried to put his mini in my garage so I ripped his back tyres off!!'

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.