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Singing during a sexual act... (sick) (X)
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A guy is in a phonebox and he sees an ad for a woman offering blowjobs whilst singing the national anthem. The guy fancies some of this, makes the appointment and goes round. The woman tells him that he must be blindfolded during the event as she does not want him to know her secret. The man agrees and a couple of minutes later he is enjoying the best blowjob of his life and the woman is singing her heart out in perfect soprano.

Several minutes later and the guy is in near delirium, suddenly the phone rings and the woman stops to answer it. She comes back and explains that there is an emergency and she will have to go. She says that she will only be gone a little while so the man is welcome to wait or he can make another appointment. He decides to wait and hears the woman leave. As time goes by the man starts to wonder how the woman was doing it. He did not hear her start a CD and the sound was definitely coming from his nether regions.

Time goes by and the woman does not return. By now the man is getting cold and curiosity is starting to get the better of him. He decides to take the blindfold off and have a look around the room to see how this woman is able to give the best blowjob he has ever had and still manage to sing in the most heartbreakingly beautiful voice he has ever heard. So he takes off the blindfold.

One the table in front of him is a glass eye!

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