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Ever since I started puberty and observed the other girls in the gym class locker room, I knew I was different -- I only had one boob on my chest. My chest boob was perfectly aligned in the center, but I soon found out in gym class that not having two boobs on my chest was an anomaly. I got a doctor's note to withdraw from gym class, and I gradually withdrew from all extracurricular highschool activities, such as dances, pep rallies, and even dating.

I finally met a guy I thought I could like. His name was Percy, and he was the captain of the chess team. He was so mild-mannered and eloquent, I felt he would accept me no matter what. He asked me to the homecoming dance, and I agreed to accompany him. After the dance, we went out and sat in his car. At first, he was a perfect gentleman, but after a while, our teen hormones got the best of us, and I allowed him to feel me up. He got his hands up under my blouse, felt my chest boob, and asked me, "What's this? You've only got one tit!"

I responded, "Well, I do have another, but it's down at my crotch."

He groped in my panties and felt it, then leaned back and laughed. "God! You've got a tit where your privates oughta be! Ha ha ha!"

So, I raised my arm, and peed on him.

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Today's blog: Media is Plural (and the blame game isn't about the news)

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