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Three Bathrooms (PG)
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There was this store that had three baths, a guy comes in and say's "can I use your bathroom?"

The guy who works at the store say's "ok there is three, a wooden one a metal one and a signing one."

The man say's "o.k. I'll go in the wooden one." Later on a nother guy comes in and say's "can I use your bathroom?" The clerk say's "There is a metal one and a signing one." The man say's "I'll go in the medal one." Later on another guy comes in and say's "can I use your bathroom?" The clerk say's "there is a singing one." The man goesae in it. After a long time, the first man comes out and say's "I don't like that one, I got slivers up my butt." The second one comes out and say's "I don't like that one because my butt got stuck." Then the last guy came out and said "I don't like that one because It sang "Do you see what I see?"

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