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Clinton in Hell (R)
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Bill Clinton dies and is sent to the devil in hell

The devil tells him that he will shpw Clinton all the different kinds of torutre they have in hell and he gives Clinton the chance to choose his own punishment.

There are many windows as they walk along and Clinton looks at all the suffering and torture inn each one.

In one of them, there's a lady burning in fire

In another, there's a man being ironed

In another there are 2 men cutting eachother's dicks off

Then they come to another window where Clinton is shocked.. Inside, Monica Lewinsky is giving A Big Fat Ugly man a blow job Clinton cannot believe this is actually a punishment, but he keeps his mouth shut...and tells the devil that this is the punishment he wants..

So the devil says ok and they go Bill gets ready the devil says: "Ok Monica, your punishment is over now, you may leave!"


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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.