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The Girl and the Gum (R)
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There once was a girl named Sally Smith. Whenever she chewed gum she would say yes. And whenever she didn't chew gum she would say no.

One day Sally heard a knock at the door. When she opened the door, chewing her gum, she discovered it was the postman. The postman greeted her cheerfully, "Hello there Sally, I have a package for you"

Sally smiled.

The postman said, "Sally would you like me to bring the package inside as it is rather heavy?"

Sally said yes.

The postman said, "Sally would you like me to put the package in your bedroom?"

Sally said yes.

Once they reached Sally's bedroom, the postman turned to sally and said "Sally, would you like me to take that gum out of your mouth and shove it up your arse?"

Sally said yes.

So the postman took the gum out of Sally's mouth and proceeded to shove it up her arse.

The postman asked Sally, "Is that far enough yet?"

Sally said no.

The postman shoved the gum up further then asked again, "Sally, is that far enough yet?"

Sally said no.

The postman shoved the gum up further still then asked again, "Sally, is that far enough yet?"

Sally said yes.

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