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Ten reasons not to chew gum in class (G)
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Apparently a real list posted by a teacher.

10.You'll get a false sense of security that you have more spit than the instructor.
9. You might choke on it.
8. The instructor doesn't know the difference between CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver. He'll use CPR to ‘cop a feel.'
7. It'll lose it's flavour before the class ends.
6. Bubbles are distracting.
5. Everyone will want some.
4. There are no places to put it when it becomes stale.
3. Blowing bubbles are distracting to the instructor.
2. Everyone will complain that you're not popping your gum in time to the music.
1. The instructor will make you stick it on the end of your nose and stand in front of the class.

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