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Got any Grapes? (G)
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One day a duck walked into a QuickTrip and said to the clerk, "Hey, got any grapes?"

The clerk said, " This is a gas station, we don't sell grapes. If you want grapes go to the grocery store. And besides you're a duck, so get out!"

The next day the duck walked in the same store and the same clerk was on duty. The duck said, "Hey, got any grapes?"

The clerk said, "What did I tell you yesterday? This is a gas station, we don't sell grapes. If you want grapes go to the grocery store. And besides you're a duck, so get out!

The next day the duck walked in again and the same clerk was on duty. The duck said, "Hey got any..." The clerk grabbed his bill before he could get it all out. Then the clerk said, "If you ask that question one more time I'll nail your beak to this counter!"

The duck said, "Got any nails?"

The clerk said, "No."

Then the duck said, "Got any grapes?"

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.