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New York Y2K and other Years (PG)
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1. Y Subway (Year to more trains and even cleaner stations)
2. Y Broadway (Year of more tourist going, movie derivative shows)
3. Y oi vey (Year of using even more Jewish superlatives)
4. Y Toupee (Year of more Hair Transplants)
5. Y too Gay (Year of a more Gay Rights)
6. Y ash tray (Year of less cigarettes)
7. Y e-bay (Year of more online auctions)
8. Y Shar-pei (Year of many more small imported dogs)
9. Y Torme (Year of the more lounge singers)
10. Y Bidet (Year of more European bathroom fixtures)
11. Y Valet (Year of having your car parked for you)
12. Y Trump's Way (Year of listening to an ego)
13. Y Chalet (Year of more over-priced hotels)
14. Y Buffet (Year of more all you can eat dinners)
15. Y Cheese Tray (Year of more cocktail party appetizers)
16. Y Sorbet (Year of more flavors that you never heard of)
17. Y Hair Spray (Year of even higher hair)
18. Y You Stay (Year of more Internet Provider delays)
19. Y Risqué (Year of less rights for local sex shops)
20. Y O.J. (Never goes away)
21. Y Replay (Year of more NFL game delays)
22. Y Steel Grey (Year of re-making the new black)
23. Y Parquet (Year of the finally doing the home improvement)
24. Y Decay (Year of more investment in the inner city)
25. Y Au Lait (Year of more different kinds of coffees)
26. Y Fillet (Year of eating more meat even though it's bad for us)
27. Y Obey (Year of continued 'illegal' jaywalking)
28. Y Hermes (Year of more over priced women's accessories)
29. Y Today (Year of more morning show competition)
30. Y Soufflé (Year of more desert menus)
31. Y Prepay (Year of more phone cards)
32. Y Café (Year of more outside eating of overpriced sandwiches)
33. Y Survey (Year of more studies for train to airport project)
34. Y Bombay (Year of more Gin Drinks)
35. Y Jose (Year of a stronger and growing Latino Population)
36. Y Sauté (Year of more food TV shows)
37. Y More Cray (Year of even faster computers)
38. Y Sick Pay (Year of parental leave)
39. Y Cliché (Year of more boy bands)
40. Y Night Spray (Year of more unknown insect infections)
41. Y McVeigh (Year of unfortunately more terrorist attacks)
42. Y Amway (Year of more nagging friends)
43. Y Stroke play (Year of more Cyber sex)
44. Y Display (Year of more building sized advertisements)
45. Y Portray (Year of the 'New York' Candidate)
46. Y Repay (Year of clearing up US debt to UN)
47. Y Coin Play (Year of increased gambling machines)
48. Y DK (Year of more American designer clothing)
49. Y Dismay (Year of continued illegal drug use)
50. Y We Pray (Year for continued hope for mid-east peace)

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