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A tourist in a strange town notices that her wristwatch is broken. She starts looking for a repair shop. After a long and frustrating search she finds herself in an area where many shop signs are in Hebrew. Finally, she notices that one of the stores has all kinds of clocks and wristwatches displayed merrily in the window. She walks into the shop and puts her wristwatch on the counter in front of the proprietor.

Tourist: "Would you please fix my wristwatch?

"Madam, I do not repair clocks or wristwatches. I am a Moel, I perform circumcisions."

Puzzled, she asks, "Then why on earth do you have all these clocks and wristwatches in your window?"

"Well, what should I have in my window?"

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Today's blog: Media is Plural (and the blame game isn't about the news)

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