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Smart People

A kiss on a train (G)
A legal and logical argument (PG)
Almost the same... (PG)
An Italian Mama (G)
Barack Obama discussing change with an intelligent little girl (PG)
Best Drinking Story Ever Told (G)
Breaking up is hard on you (PG)
Bush doing Steve a favor (PG)
Business Dealings and sex (PG)
Buying Fabric (G)
Cajun Math (R)
Chinese Farmer's Daughter (PG)
Def or Deaf Hood? (G)
Department Store Sex (PG)
Draft Dodging (PG)
Einstein's Chauffeur (G)
Engineers and the flagpole (G)
Garlic On Board (G)
Get the manager (PG)
Giving the Judge what he Wants (G)

Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Why I dropped out of Social Media
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