Battle of the sexes
Drunk Harry comes homeG
Enlarging the PresidencyR
Everyone's gayPG
Fairy Grants Wishes on their 40th AnniversaryG
Father of beautyPG
Finding a boyfriendPG
Firming things upR
Football and the girlfriendG
Fun with MinkG
Gatting paid to do itPG
Gender for ObjectsPG
Gender Roles In KuwaitPG
Getting out of a dateG
Getting to know each otherPG
God's Gifts to Adam and EvePG
Going to the pubG
Going to the pub. get your coatG
Good News Bad News: Half a million dollarsG
Goodbye KissR

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Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.