Jokeindex home


15 more reasons Santa must be a woman (G)
8 days of gifts (G)
A Bah Humbug (G)
A bunch of Valentines Day Riddles (G)
Big Turkey Question (G)
Blondes, Pearly Gates and Easter (G)
Butterball Turkey support (G)
Cats Top Ten Favorite Christmas Songs (G)
Christmas and Hanukkah Merger (PG)
Christmas Bonus (X)
Christmas Breakfast (G)
Christmas Chet (PG)
Cupid (G)
Dirty Tattoo... (X)
Easter Bunny Interview (G)
Eggs Benedict on Christmas (G)
Grandma's Visit (G)
Halloween Riddles (G)
Hanukkah Stamps (G)
Happy Cinco de Mayo (G)

Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Why I dropped out of Social Media
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