Jokeindex home


76 things banned by Leviticus (PG)
A Biblical Explanation of the Internet (G)
A cat goes to Heaven (G)
A guy arrives at the pearly gates (G)
A Math Limerick (G)
A Mathmetician, a philosopher, a blonde, and Satan... (PG)
A priest and a nun in the desert (R)
A rather sick view of heaven and hell (R)
A sermon on temperance (G)
A Word for a Hymn (G)
Acts 2:38 (G)
Additional Information Required (G)
Alternatives to the Sign of the Cross (G)
An affair to remember (PG)
Assembly of God (G)
Atheist Riddle (PG)
Baseball in heaven (G)
Beer Prayer (PG)
Bible Time (G)
Biker in Hell (PG)

Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Why I dropped out of Social Media
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