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18 Reasons to be a mermaid (G)
19 Ways to KNOW you are a woman (PG)
19th Century Euphemisms for Masturbation (PG)
20 Terms for Reverse Peristalsis (throwing up) (PG)
20 Types of Blokes at the Urinal (PG)
20 Ways to Annoy Public Bathroom Stallmate (PG)
20 Ways to say someone is drunk (PG)
2013 Darwin Awards (G)
25 reasons alcohol should be served at work (PG)
25 Things You Learn From Working A Crappy Retail Job (G)
25 Ways to Annoy a Yankee (PG)
26 more ways to leave your lover (PG)
30 actual sentences found in patients Hospital charts (G)
40 Ways Men Fail In Bed (R)
60 things NOT to say to a naked guy (R)
65 Bumper Stickers (PG)
7 actual titles of actual books (G)
7 Goals for Management (G)
7 Reasons Dogs don't Use Computers (G)
7 signs the santa at the mall is nuts (PG)

Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make the world... nutty.

Today's blog: Being Watched by TV
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